First ever attempt at Animations. Rigged and animated in blender and then exported to Unity


1. Created 4 animations for the combat scene:

     - Idle, Attack1, Attack2, Dead animations

2. Implemented said 4 animations via script to work in combat. (I had to do a random number to vary the animations. Finding the proper entry point for each attack proved to be a bit of a challenge so it was recommended to me that I just play the attack whether it was successful or not. Worked. No bugs. You just have to try attacking a few times before you see the other animation. Camera placement is also bad since you won't see the left handed throwing animation ("Meant to throw an acorn for "Go Nuts")

As I said, I admit that it was very low effort but I have other projects I need to wrap up on so please forgive this assignment. I just hope I don't get an entirely terrible grade but I am aware of how small an improvement I made to the game.


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