- Retextured one of the pickups to act as an activator for a platform on Level 3.

- Spent an ungodly amount on Level 3. A little too ambitious. Didn't complete it the way I wanted it but it evolved somewhat nicely once I remembered I was making a platformer lol.

- Modified Platform waypoint to allow "disabled" platforms that only activate when you pick up the orange-y score pickup. And a new script for the orange-y score pickup.

- Made minimal effort on moving Platform D to no avail so I just gave up on it. 

- Level 3 itself.

Final Submission Updates: 

*All on Level 3

- Added a way to respawn if you fall through the map

Added a few pickups.

*Only updated the WebGL version as nothing fundamentally changed so you can just play it in the browser and see those two changes.


161664194-Windows1.0.zip 32 MB
161664194-MacOs1.0.zip 41 MB


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Your proposed modifications sound good. You can work on polishing your modifications for the final submission if you want to, but you do not have to do so.